The social phenomena of building up an environment is probably most easily observed on an emotionally-fuelled dancefloor. Bodies are writhing, lights are flashing, and smoke machines are pumping.

Some people are having a good time, others less so.

Dancefloors can be seen as a laboratory, where the amplification of energies happen in an accelerated pace on a smaller observable scale.

It can serve as a classroom, too - a more controllable environment for studying how to use natural laws before applying them on a larger scale - to organizations, businesses, enterprises and societies.

The required ingredients to make it happen are environment, where the frequency is set by the music, as well as the participants who are able to make space and set the vibe. In organizations we could call this team spirit.

There are few people who have the capacity to set the environment, build and hold it so that it becomes comfortable for others to join, to help to maintain the vibe and collaborate in building it.

Think of the best nightclubs, raves and even music festivals you’ve been to. Your favourites are ones where the organisers have collaborated with the ravers to create the right environment. It’s one where people are comfortable to express themselves without fear of judgement. That’s why the places where cameras are not allowed are special.

Then there are takers. These are individuals who come to such environments after the vibe has been established and the frequency has been elevated. They will enjoy their time there as long as the energy remains high - and then leave. Their behavior is similar as those “friends” who are there for you when your life is on the high.

To build a successful environment, one must understand the types of builders. Those who build, and those who take. The intent of the participation makes the difference.

It is the takers that make organisations decline, and create disharmony. Just like at a rave, when these people arrive, one can feel how the presence gets affected.

How to identify them? Raise the frequency of the environment, and closely observe the behavior of your participants when the energy drops.